Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Culture Difference

    Every country has it own culture. There is different culture between the Western and the East countries. Do you have any culture-shocked when you visit another country? Nowadays, people get information easier than the past. Everyone experiences etiquette, culture and customs of different countries in th world.

    In the East society, it has more conservative ideas than the Western society. Parents might teach their children hiding their real thinking in front of people and always show humble. If children have new notions or want to try new things, parents will give them a lot of suggestions but let them try first. However, the Western people try new things which they want to do confidently and bravely. Also, they express themselves directly and clearly.

    Talking of  living habits, can you image two people who have different culture living together? To take off your shoes when visiting a Western friend at home is inappropriate. Therefore, it is polite to take your shoes off as being invited to an Asian's house. It is an interesting thing to realize culture differences between countries.



Sunday, May 12, 2013

Changes in Diet

When I was a child, I always expected Chinese New Year. Because it was a big day in my country, everyone wore new clothes and had an abundant meal. It included special meals which people did not get in general days. Mother would get up early and prepare ample food by herself during the holidays. Homemade dishes were different from restaurants. Family members could enjoy specific food, such as stewed pork ballin brown sauce and the vegetable of long lives, could not get in ordinary days at home. However, the diet is changing now. Due to environment changing, lifestyle alteration and globalization, people can get food easily and taste plentiful kinds of food from the world.

    In the past, people lived in the agricultural society. Planting crops was hard and unpredicted. However, as technology-advanced, the agriculture is industrialization and crop production is increased. Instead of having simple food, people get more kinds of vegetables and meats now. For example, in my grand-parents generation, they only ate seasonal vegetables and seldom meat. Also, there was less quantity of food in the dish. 

    According to a research, because of lifestyle changing, more and more people eat outside than at home. Modern society makes people work over time, have intense schedule and load pressure. After working, they do not have time and energy to cook by themselves. Every family member has their own schedule. It is more convenient to have a meal outside than at home. For instance, I always had a dinner outside when I was a high school student, because I studied too late at school to go home and have a dinner. Also, almost my classmates did.

    Globalization connects world closely. It is easy to experience new tastes from the other country. Even the distance is very far. In Taiwan, tourists not only eat Asian food but also Western food. There are varieties of restaurants in Taiwan. Therefore, teenagers can have a lot of choices instead of traditional food. People who never go aboard have a chance to know the exotic diet. Take MacDonald’s for example, it is one of the most famous chain companies in the world. It makes everyone knows what hamburger it is, especially Asians.
    It is undoubted that the diet is changing. Because of agricultural industrialization, lifestyle changing and globalization, people get varieties of food easily in general days and have opportunities to know foreigner food.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

My partner

I am Melody. I major in Occupational Therapy. I like to go traveling and taste delicious food around the world. It makes me open my mind and rich my life. Willian and Daehyeon are my partners. Altough we come from very different backgrounds, we have a lot of similarities in hobbies and notions.
On the holidays, we all like over sleep but get up early. The music we like is Pop-music. However, The Rock is too strong and loud to us. We like to see a movie in our free time but we have different opinions on the best film. Reading is one of interesting things we like. We read books in different fields. In my case, I prefer read spiritual books to novels.
We come from different countries. I come from Taiwan but both of them come from South Korea. Now, we have quite similar life style in Chicago. We learn English together to improve our spesking and listening . We all like spicy food. When we talk about pets, we all dislike pets. After finishing English courses, we will keep our study at school. They will complete their university in their country and I will apply for graduate school in America.
Talking of personalities, we are all friendly and kind but sometime we are grumpy.