Tuesday, June 25, 2013

News: Are there centain things journalists shouldn't report on? Why?

    Journalists have responsibilities for reporting news. Everyone gets news from newspaper, websites, and telvesions. Undoubted, it is very important to know what happened around worlds. However, should people get all of information from news in detail? In my opinion, journalists should report main ideas of news instead of details. There are two reasons and detail will be shed light on in the following paragraphs.
    First, people get news easily nowadays and learn new information from the news. Most people usually do not imitate stories of news, but few people copy bad knowledge on purpose. For example, a robber was caught in Taiwan. A journalist asked him how he got ideas to rub the bank. The rubber answered, " I got ideas from the news." In addition, young people have not enough judgement to know what is right or wrong. Youth might confuse with contents of news because news report repeatively and naturally, like a subconscious hypnosis.
    Second, golabilization make people get information from other countries fast and deeply, even the country is far away. The majority of people can realize other countries politics, sports, finace and so on           

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My family

    I have a strong relationship with my family members and relatives. My cousins and I have similar age and hobbies. In other words, we go travelling together on our holidays. There was an indelible impression.
    Jogging of my memory I still remember that we went to Thailand when we were college students. The weather was pretty nice and water of sea was so warm. We had delicious seafood in a restaurant by the sea. When I was enjoying my food, my cousins stopped me eating. Because the fish was getting worse, it would damage our health.

Musical Children Prodigies

Talking of children prodigies, there are two famous musicians appearing in people’s minds—Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig Van Beethoven. Both of them have extraordinary achievements in the musical history. Although they showed their talents in the early childhood, their life differed significantly in their backgrounds, personalities, and the musical style.

    Background is the first important thing to establish a genius who reaches goals successfully. Mozart was fourteen years older than Beethoven. Mozart was a prolific and influential composer of the Classic era. When he was five years old, he could play keyboard and violin and perform his work before European royalty. In addition, he asked his father to teach him how to play musical instruments actively. Like Mozart, Beethoven was a curtail composer and pianist between the Classical and Romantic eras. When he was eight years old, he gave his first performance in the public. However, Beethoven was taught the piano harshly by his father. He practiced day and night with his tears. As a result, they were cerebrated musicians but had different ways to grow up.

    The second differences are personalities between two musicians. Mozart usually worked long and hard but still remained his social life. He was an extravert person who knew a great deal number and variety people. In his free time, he enjoyed billiards and dancing, and kept pets. Because of growing with love, he was a warm person and had sense of humor. In contrast, because of deafness and chronic abdominal pain, Beethoven was often irascible. Nevertheless, he had little closed friends who have been attracted by his strength of personality to support him. He disdained for authority and social rank. Also, he valued humanity. The works were made by different personalities. In other words, the compositions were reflected different styles by distinct composers.

   Finally, the most striking difference between Mozart and Beethoven is musical style. For Mozart, he wrote abounds of works in his life. The music sound was made harmonious and soft by Mozart. According to the musical therapy research, it is helpful for releasing stress to listen the music of Mozart. On the contrary, Beethoven usually had works which were full of encouragement and bravery. For example, if someone suffers from depressed feelings, listening to Beethoven Sym No.5 is the best choice. Despite the different music, it is a treasure for people in the modern society.

    Every child prodigy has his unique talent. There is no rule to judge who is the best one in the same field. Most prodigies develop their gift and contribute to the people in the world. However, without them, it is a proof that human beings would loss a lot of valuable information and art.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Genius, prodigy, and intelligence

A genius is a person who can learn knowledge well even under his age, especially a prodigy. Is it a good thing or a bad thing for children who study much faster than their peer group? There might be a problem that the prodigy has a mature intelligence but has a immature mind. Also, the ability of daily living is not enough for a child prodigy. To be the child prodigy is a pleasnat thing for parents. However, it is the most important way that how to educate the children. 

Euthanasia is a better way to live

Life is controlled by every human being. People can make their own decisions to live or die. Euthanasia is a controversial issue for a long time in the modern society. If there is a situation that someone lives painfully or dies peacefully, which one is the best choice? Some people would face the hard living, but the other people would not. Euthanasia is a better way to make people live with dignity for three reasons.

First, the health insurance would be decreased the cost by euthanasia. In other words, the government would use savings to help people who have chances to live actively. Also, the society would reduce the price in medical resource. For example, vegetables only maintain their lives by medical machines and prevent joints stiffness by passive movement. It is not only spend much money but also consume a numerous medical resource.

Second, everyone has their own right to choose the way how they live. For instance, almost of people would accept DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) to express the means that they are willing to leave the world without pain. If doctors can respect patients’ mind to give up first aid, it would be the same result to honor their ideas with euthanasia. In addition, it is a difficult determination for family members. However, the family would follow the willing of their close relative to complete the final hope.

Finally, it is a long way to take care of vegetables and caregivers would load much stress. Because of love, patients would not make their family are too tough to live. According to the news, a high school student suffered from a car accident and became a vegetable forty years ago. Her parents have looked after her since the accident. Because her parents are getting old, they do not have enough energy to care her anymore. If the victim had had a choice, she might have chosen the euthanasia to release parents’ pain and stress.

Opponents of euthanasia say that no one can deprive any lives of human who might be a patient and doctors neither. However, if people can select the right of live, they also can pick out the right of death. Also, if doctors can execute DNR, they also can help patients to do euthanasia.

In conclusion, there are many benefits of euthanasia for people who live with disability. Although the law is not allowed the euthanasia nowadays, it would be a new notion for all human beings. As a result, the euthanasia should be allowed by the laws.  

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Live or Die?

    Life is a treasure for every creature. It is a gift that parents give to children. How could people give up their lives easily? When I watch news which talks about suicides, I always feel sad deeply especially for their family. Loss people who you love is extremely painful. Because of my job, I saw a lot of patients who had broken their family's heart became vegetables by suicide. Vegetables only have a breath to prove themselves still alive. However, the family care them without complaint day by day. Is it worthy to hurt themselves to live in this way? I have no ideas.

    Talking of vegetables, it associates with euthanasia. Is it legal or illegal? It is difficult to kill someone with their own willing. Who has right to judge life or death? In my opinion, people should respect their parents and their own lives. Everyone has obligations to chose how to live but has no right to suicide. If there is a hurdle that can not be solved immediately, trying to find solutions will be a better way than ending lives.

   Enjoy your life! Everyone will die in the future. Therefore, appreciate your life!